Andre Hoffmann, Software Engineer

About Me

I have been working as a software developer for iOS and macOS applications since 2010. Working mostly as a freelancer, I have had the opportunity to see many different projects and industries from the inside, picking up on trends, topics, and most interestingly, common issues and unsolved problems. Software development is part engineering, part expectation management. Understanding the intricacies of the craft and common issues in your daily workflow is an important key factor to successfully ship software products.

Always interested in and sometimes available for project based involvements of products that actually aim to improve your customers lives. Usually, small or mid-sized companies preferred but as you can see from my list of projects I know may way around corporate.

I do iOS engineering, technical project and product management, and IT project consultancy for small and mid-scale projects. Interested in agile practices as a practice, not a dogma.


Here are some of the customers I've worked with:


References available upon request.

Contact Me